Ancient Hydraulics -Shustar ,Iran


Shushtar ‘s historical Hydraulic System, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a masterpiece of creative genius which can be traced back to Darius the Great in the 5th century BCE and completed in the 3rd century CE It involved the creation of two main diversion canals on the river Kârun one of which, Gargar canal, is still in use providing water to the city of Shushtar via a series of tunnels that supply water to mills. It forms a spectacular cliff from which water cascades into a downstream basin. It then enters the plain situated south of the city where it has enabled the planting of orchards and farming over an area of 40,000 ha. known as Mianâb (Paradise).

The area has an ensemble of remarkable sites including the Salâsel Castle, dams, bridges, basins and  water mills. It bears witness to the know-how of the Elamites and Mesopotamians as well as later Nabatean expertise and Roman  influence. It is complete, with numerous functions, and large-scale, making it exceptional. The Shushtar system is a homogeneous hydraulic system,  rich in its diversity  of   uses (urban water supply, mills, irrigation, river transport, and defensive system)

Even today this civil engineering marvel is striking not only in function but in aesthetics.


Prints : Available as Giclee print on finest quality paper or  canvas. International shipment

Sizes available: 8 x 12″(203 x 305 mm); 12 x 16″(305 x 410mm); 18 x 24″(457 x 610 mm); 24 x 32″ (610 x 813mm)

For list of prices, details of paper or canvas and pigments used,  please get in touch via contact form